2024 Fall Session 2: September 30-November 3
Register Here Sign our Waiver Firma nuestra carta de exención de responsabilidad Student Handbook (English) Student Handbook (Spanish)Monday
- 6:00-7:00 PM Aerial Mixed Apparatus Foundations (Ages 12+) ($140 session; $35 drop-in)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Straps All Levels (Ages 14+) ($210 session; $49 drop-in)
- 7:15-8:40 PM Static Trapeze All Levels (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Fabric Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Rope Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Lyra Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Fabric Levels 3/4 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Low Flying Trapeze 3/4 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Sling Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Sling Levels 3/4 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Rope Levels 3/4 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Lyra Levels 3/4 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 6:45-8:10 PM Low Flying Trapeze Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Advanced Aerial Fitness & Stretching (Ages 14+) ($175 session; $42 drop-in)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Fabric Levels 2/3 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 5:00-6:25 Straps: Skills & Transitions (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 12:30-1:45 PM Mommy & Me Aerial Class (Ages 5+) ($70 session; $20 drop-in) *NOTE: Both the child and parent must be enrolled.*
- 2:00-3:25 PM Open Gym (Ages 12+) ($70 session; $20 drop-in)
- 12:30-1:45 PM Traveling Rings All Levels (Ages 16+) ($175)
- 2:00-3:25 PM Beginning Aerial Fitness & Stretching (Ages 12+) ($175 session; $42 drop-in)
- 2:00-3:25 PM Open Gym (Ages 12+) ($70 session; $20 drop-in)
2024 Fall Session 1: August 19 – September 29
Register Here Sign our Waiver Firma nuestra carta de exención de responsabilidad Student Handbook (English) Student Handbook (Spanish)Monday
- 6:00-7:00 PM Aerial Mixed Apparatus Foundations (Ages 12+) ($140 session; $35 drop-in)
- 8/19/24 Low Flying Trapeze Foundations
- 8/26/24 Sling Foundations
- 9/2/24 No Class for Labor Day
- 9/9/24 Fabric Foundations
- 9/16/24 Rope Foundations
- 9/23/24 Static Trapeze Foundations
- 6:00-7:25 PM Straps All Levels (Ages 14+) ($210 session; $49 drop-in)
- 7:15-8:40 PM Static Trapeze All Levels (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Fabric Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($210)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Rope Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($252)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Lyra Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($252)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Fabric Levels 3/4 (Ages 14+) ($252)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Sling Levels 1/2 (Ages 14+) ($252)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Sling Levels 3/4 (Ages 14+) ($252)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Lyra Levels 3/4 (Ages 14+) ($252)
- 6:00-7:25 PM Advanced Aerial Fitness (Ages 14+) ($210 session; $42 drop-in)
- 7:35-9:00 PM Fabric Levels 2/3 (Ages 14+) ($252)
- 5:00-6:25 Straps: Skills & Transitions (Ages 14+) ($252)
- 12:30-1:45 PM Mommy & Me Aerial Class (Ages 5+) ($70 session; $20 drop-in) *NOTE: Both the child and parent must be enrolled.*
- 12:30-1:45 PM Traveling Rings All Levels (Ages 16+) ($175)
- 2:00-3:15 PM Beginning Aerial Fitness & Stretching (Ages 12+) ($175 session; $35 drop-in)
- 2:00-3:25 PM Open Gym (Ages 12+) ($70 session; $20 drop-in)
Check the MindBody calendar here for a specific date if you are unsure if your class is meeting.
Inclement Weather Policy: Frequent Flyers follows the Boulder Valley School District cancellation policy. If your class is going to be cancelled, we will notify you via email and post on our Facebook page.
Missed Class Policy, effective October 2, 2023
For students under 12: Account credit will only be issued for missed classes due to illness or injury. We will also issue account credit when FFP cancels classes (weather, etc.,).
For students 12 and up: Wings will only be issued for missed classes due to illness, injury or work conflicts. Account credit will be issued when FFP cancels classes.
There are no make up classes.
If you miss a class, or have extenuating circumstances, please email office@frequentflyers.org.
**The Student Companies and Intensive Program students are exempted from this policy through the duration of their current contracts.
COVID-19 Policies, updated March 15, 2022.
- Masks are no longer required to enter the studio if you are healthy, but they are still very welcomed!
- Masks are required IF you are within 10 days of sickness or COVID exposure.
- Safety First Agreement will no longer be required for every visit!
- See the full update here.
Didn’t find what you were looking for?
- Check out our Private Lesson options.
- Visit our Special Workshops & Intensives page to learn about special workshops & intensives.
- Visit our Aerial Dance Festival page to learn about classes offered at the festival that happens the first two weeks in August annually.
- Visit our Student Performance Opportunities page to learn about Adult Student Company.
Interested in Work Study or Scholarships?
Stop by the office, call 303-245-8272, or email office@frequentflyers.org to learn more.