Updated 3/15/2022
Dear Frequent Flyers Students and Families,
With warmer weather, longer days, and COVID case numbers continuing to stay low, we are changing our studio policies.
We continue to shape our policies based on guidelines from the CDC, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Boulder County, and the City of Boulder. We will continue to update our policies as those entities release new laws and recommendations.
We are grateful to have you by our side as we adapt our policies and class offerings. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we learn how to keep each other safe and flying!
Wishing you good health,
Frequent Flyers® Aerial Dance
Studio Policies:
Updates as of March 15, 2022, that will apply to April 11th onwards, at the start of Spring Session 3:
- Masks are no longer required to enter the studio if you are healthy, but they are still very welcomed!
- Masks are required IF you are within 10 days of sickness or COVID exposure.
- Safety First Agreement will no longer be required for every visit!
- If you have COVID like symptoms, resembling a cold or a flu, we recommend you get a PCR test and require you isolate for 6 days.
- Please stay home from the studio for 5 days following the appearance of your first symptoms (day 0).
- You may return to the studio on day 6, but please wear a N95 or KN95 for an additional 5 days (through day 10) IF:
- You are fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducing medicine)
- AND your symptoms are greatly improving.
- If you have COVID:
- Please stay home from the studio for 5 days following the appearance of your first symptoms (day 0).
- You may return to the studio on day 6, but please wear a N95 or KN95 for an additional 5 days (through day 10) IF:
- You are fever free for 24 hours (without fever reducing medicine)
- AND your symptoms are greatly improving.
- If you have direct exposure to COVID:
- If you are fully vaccinated, including your booster, you do not need to quarantine, but we recommend to test on the 5th day, and ask that you wear a mask until day 10.
- If you are not fully vaccinated, please quarantine for at least 5 days, test on the 5th day, and you may return to the studio, while wearing a mask until day 10.
For clarifications of why we chose these policies and how to, please see the CDC guidelines: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/quarantine-isolation.html
These policies remain the same:
- Aerial classes will stay at 16 students maximum.
- Equipment is able to be shared within classes.
- We are continuing to clean the studio 3 times a week.
- Rosin and chalk will be made available for use by students.
- Bipolar Ionizations Systems* turned on at least 3 hours before classes and run continuously while the studios are occupied.
Before you arrive:
- Be sure you have registered for your class and signed our waiver.
After class:
- You will be asked to help clean your mat at the end of class.
- You will be reminded to wash your hands and gather your belongings.
If you start to have COVID-19 symptoms, please email office@frequentflyers.org and isolate yourself following the instructions below:
Should there be a case in our studios, we will immediately contact and cooperate with local Public Health’s guidance and communicate with our community accordingly.
Thank you for reading these new policies designed to keep everyone as safe as possible. We are excited to have you back in the studio with us and look forward to flying with you far into the future!
*Bipolar Ionization Systems Installation
We have installed Bipolar Ionization Systems in both studios to help keep our community safe and healthy.
“Air ionization works through the reaction of negatively and positively charged ions. The ions attach to airborne pathogens, such as viruses causing a chemical reaction on the cell membrane’s surface. This deactivates the viruses, rendering them harmless, so they can no longer spread or cause infection.” Source: Plasma Air
Want more information? Check out the specs at Global Plasma Solutions.
Thank you to our local HVAC Contractor, Timberline Mechanical, for bringing great solutions to our community!