Spring 2025 Session 2: February 24-April 13
Register Here Sign our Waiver Firma nuestra carta de exención de responsabilidad**On the calendar below, please navigate to the date the class begins to register. For Spring 2025 Session 2, go to February 24.
Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance has a limited number of scholarships available to aerial students. The scholarships are need-based. Students can apply based on financial need and/or a physical or mental disability.
Inclement Weather Policy: Frequent Flyers follows the Boulder Valley School District cancellation policy. If your class is going to be cancelled, we will notify you via email and post on our Facebook page.
Check the MindBody calendar above for a specific date if you are unsure if your class is meeting.
Faculty Bios Student Handbook (English) Student Handbook (Spanish)
Missed Class Policy, effective October 2, 2023
For students under 12: Account credit will only be issued for missed classes due to illness or injury. We will also issue account credit when FFP cancels classes (weather, etc.,).
For students 12 and up: Wings will only be issued for missed classes due to illness, injury, or work conflicts. Account credit will be issued when FFP cancels classes.
There are no make up classes.
If you miss a class, or have extenuating circumstances, please email office@frequentflyers.org.
Session Class Refund Policy
No refunds or account credits, if canceled within 48 hours of the class.
If canceled prior to 48 hours before the class or in the event of illness or injury = account credit will be given.
If we cancel due to low enrollment = full refund given.
COVID-19 Policies have been updated as of as of March 15, 2022. See the full update here.
- Masks are no longer required to enter the studio if you are healthy, but they are still very welcomed!
- Masks are required IF you are within 10 days of sickness or COVID exposure.
- Safety First Agreement will no longer be required for every visit!
All classes are held at Aerial Dance Studio 1 (ADS 1) located at 3022 E. Sterling Circle Ste 150 OR Aerial Dance Studio 2 (ADS 2) located at 3012 E. Sterling Circle Ste 150 (just across the parking lot).
Interested in Work Study or Scholarships? Stop by the office, call 303-245-8272, or email office@frequentflyers.org to learn more.
Frequent Flyers is a PLAYPass partner!
PLAYPass provides eligible youth with $250 towards participation in approved sports and recreation programs! Eligible youth are City of Boulder residents, ages 0-17, and able to provide proof of participation in an assistance program such as free/reduced lunch, WIC, SNAP, Medicaid, or Boulder Parks and Recreation Financial aid.

Student Testimonials
“The teachers at FFP create, each class, an atmosphere that is incredibly positive and empowering for every student… they get to know each of us so they can help support, challenge, and inspire at a level that is appropriate so that I can feel successful each time I grow strong, fly higher and face any fears.” – Yuen-Ying Carpenter (Adult Student)
“FFP is such a welcoming place. I love it! I feel like I can express myself through dance without being judged or criticized.”
“I really really want to come back!” – Katelyn Haid (Youth Student)