Terry Sendgraff Scholarship
Deadline to apply: June 6, 2021. Notification: June 15, 2021.
4 scholarships will be awarded to 4 BIPOC identifying students (Black, Indigenous, Peoples of Color) for the Aerial Dance Festival 2021. 3 scholarships will cover 3 classes (or combo of series / single classes equaling 3 classes), plus a ticket to the Virtual ADF Showcase Performance and access to all Panels. 1 scholarship will cover 6 classes (or combo of series / single classes equaling 6 classes), plus a ticket to the virtual Showcase Performance and access to all Panels.
Applicants must commit to attending classes if awarded the Scholarship. Note: the scholarship can only be used for in-person virtual attendance (not recordings only). Classes can be found here: https://frequentflyers.org/aerial-dance-
Criteria: BIPOC identifying applicants only. Applicants must demonstrate some experience in Aerial / Circus arts. The recipients will be selected based on demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in aerial arts / circus. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older.

In honor of Terry Sendgraff, the mother of aerial dance. Her legacy lives on in Frequent Flyers® Aerial Dance, and we trace our lineage to her work. Terry was instrumental in the development of the Aerial Dance Festival, having attended the first one in 1999 and continuing to teach and create performance pieces for several more ADFs.