WEEK A: Monday, July 31 – Friday, August 4, 2023
Fundamentals of Contortion
1:00-2:30 PM. Week A.
Ages 12+. $175. Dairy Boulder Ballet
Prerequisites: This is not a general flexibility series. Students must have the following: Flat or nearly flat front/back splits on both sides. Able to comfortably hold a bridge with straight arms. 45 second hollow body hold. Comfort kicking into a handstand on the wall. Students also should have most of the following: Down from standing to bridge. Stand up from bridge. Flat or nearly flat straddle. Oversplit. Comfort with handstanding in the center of the room (straight, or straddle). Forearm bridge. If a student is uncertain whether they meet the prerequisites, they are invited to email a video of themselves demonstrating all the prerequisites they DO have to janelle.b.peters@gmail.com for assessment. Emails received later than 10 days before ADF may not be considered.
Over the 5-days, students will have the opportunity to explore key concepts in contortion. We will build upon students’ existing stability, extension, flexibility, balance, strength, and fluidity. The workshop will include deep dives into specific families of skills, and will include building contortion phrases or sequences to music. Attention will be paid to developing thorough, effective, and structured warm-up and cool-down practices to promote longevity in contortion, as well as support injury prevention.
Please bring (if you have them): 2 yoga blocks, 1 foam roller, 1 peanut, 1 strap/stretchy band, Notebook and pen or pencil. Please dress in warm layers that allow full range of motion, and wear/bring socks.
Depth and Texture: Movement quality and musicality: Inroads to act development – Int/Adv
5:30-7:00 PM. Week A.
Ages 15+. $175. FFP Studio 1.
Prerequisites: This workshop is for aerialists who are able to safely choreograph and execute a sequence of up to 2 minutes in length on their apparatus of choice (lyra, silks, sling, single-point trapeze). Students must be willing to make mistakes, and offer and receive artistic feedback in a supportive manner (ways to do so will be covered in the workshop). This workshop is ideal for aerialists who perform regularly and professionally, or who are developing their professional portfolio. Please bring a notebook and pen or pencil.
Over the 5 days, students will play with movement quality, musicality, and gesture to bring nuance, depth, and texture to their choreography. We will highlight the importance of transitions between skills, moments of stillness, tempo, and more while setting choreography to different music, characters, and mood. This workshop will be a container for silliness, and emotion. Students will leave with tools to bring intention and meaning into their work throughout their careers. Students will select from dance trap, sling, or fabric prior to arriving at the Festival.
WEEK B: Monday, Aug. 7 – Friday, Aug. 11, 2023
Depth and Texture: Movement quality and musicality: Inroads to act development – Int/Adv
3:00-4:30 PM. Week B.
Ages 15+. $175. Dairy Gordon.
Prerequisites: This workshop is for aerialists who are able to safely choreograph and execute a sequence of up to 2 minutes in length on their apparatus of choice (lyra and silks only). Students must be willing to make mistakes, and offer and receive artistic feedback in a supportive manner (ways to do so will be covered in the workshop). This workshop is ideal for aerialists who perform regularly and professionally, or who are developing their professional portfolio. Please bring a notebook and pen or pencil.
Over the 5 days, students will play with movement quality, musicality, and gesture to bring nuance, depth, and texture to their choreography. We will highlight the importance of transitions between skills, moments of stillness, tempo, and more while setting choreography to different music, characters, and mood. This workshop will be a container for silliness, and emotion. Students will leave with tools to bring intention and meaning into their work throughout their careers. Students will select from dance trap, sling, or fabric prior to arriving at the Festival.
Fundamentals of Contortion with Janelle Peters
5:30-7:00 PM. Week B.
Ages 12+. $175. Dairy Boulder Ballet.
Prerequisites: This is not a general flexibility series. Students must have the following: Flat or nearly flat front/back splits on both sides. Able to comfortably hold a bridge with straight arms. 45 second hollow body hold. Comfort kicking into a handstand on the wall. Students also should have most of the following: Down from standing to bridge. Stand up from bridge. Flat or nearly flat straddle. Oversplit. Comfort with handstanding in the center of the room (straight, or straddle). Forearm bridge. If a student is uncertain whether they meet the prerequisites, they are invited to email a video of themselves demonstrating all the prerequisites they DO have to janelle.b.peters@gmail.com for assessment. Emails received later than 10 days before ADF may not be considered.
Over the 5-days, students will have the opportunity to explore key concepts in contortion. We will build upon students’ existing stability, extension, flexibility, balance, strength, and fluidity. The workshop will include deep dives into specific families of skills, and will include building contortion phrases or sequences to music. Attention will be paid to developing thorough, effective, and structured warm-up and cool-down practices to promote longevity in contortion, as well as support injury prevention.
Please bring (if you have them): 2 yoga blocks, 1 foam roller, 1 peanut, 1 strap/stretchy band, Notebook and pen or pencil. Please dress in warm layers that allow full range of motion, and wear/bring socks.

Janelle Peters (they/she) is a queer contortionist, aerialist, circus coach, and psychotherapist. Hailing from the SF Bay Area, Janelle has had the privilege to perform, teach, and learn around the US and the world. Their work – be it performing, coaching, or educating about mental health, is rooted in their commitment to the wholeness and humanity of circus artists, students, and audiences. Janelle completed an apprenticeship with the PaperDoll Militia in 2012, is a cast member with the SF-Based Vespertine Circus, and is also known as Cirque_Psych online where they share offerings about mental health, wellbeing, and systemic change in circus and the performing arts.