PBS’ Art District show features Frequent Flyers’ Aerial Dance and Stalker Theatre during the run of their show Mapping. Check out the video here
Nancy Smith also teaches Arts District host, Carrie Saldo, some aerial during FF’s run of Mapping AND to let her know about upcoming shows for their calendar. Check out the video here
Rocky Mountain PBS Arts District is Colorado’s only weekly magazine series dedicated to highlighting the unique cultural arts scene in our community. We were thrilled to showcase the phenomenal Frequent Flyers’ Mapping Project because it is an exemplary example of dance athleticism and grace, and cross continental collaboration that only Nancy Smith’s company could create.
– Lisa D. Olken, Executive Producer, Arts District @ Rocky Mountain PBS, Denver
“finely skilled dancers lift off the stage with ghostly grace and an otherworldly presence redefines the restrictions of a two-dimensional dance form. It opens up the doors of perception, both for the dancer and the spectator.”—Boulder Weekly